What Are Diabetic Socks?

What Are Diabetic Socks?

Are you or someone you know diabetic suffering from a foot injury, poor blood circulation, or generally uncomfortable feet?

Diabetic people tend to have sensitive feet that are more prone to various foot conditions, which makes it a necessity for them to better protect their feet. They are at a higher risk of infections and injuries because the higher blood sugar levels may damage their circulatory and nervous systems.

Unlike regular socks, diabetic socks have unique design features that safeguard the feet from developing problems and keep them healthy and comfortable. They keep the feet dry and allow for proper blood circulation.

Damage to the nerves increases the risk of injury and decreased sensation to the bottom of the feet. This can make a diabetic person unaware of the injury and not seek treatment immediately. This damage to the circulatory system can cause delayed healing of wounds.

Benefits Of Diabetic Socks

Diabetic socks are designed to decrease foot injury, keep the feet dry, and allow for maximum blood flow. People with diabetes and who are prone to infections and foot injuries need specialised diabetic socks as they contain these benefits:

Even the slightest protrusion can severely impact a diabetic foot. Seams can rub against the skin and result in blisters or ulcers to the diabetic’s feet. Seamless socks, which are knitted with inverse linking, are the best for diabetic feet. They keep the ends of the toe-linking outside the socks.


Diabetic socks should be non-constricting, loose, and super stretchy. If they are tight, they can inhibit circulation, worsening the situation for those who suffer from circulatory problems.

Soft yarns

Diabetic socks are made from the finest texture fabric that feels very soft against the skin. One of the best choices is the bamboo fibres, which reduces rough abrasion and the force inserted on the skin.


They should have extra padding and cushioning to prevent injury to the sensitive areas and increase comfort. The extra padding is usually at the bottom of the socks, at the heel and around the toes. These are the areas that need the most protection because they are prone to the most shock forces.


Dry feet help to prevent skin infections and keep the feet comfortable for more extended periods. Most socks incorporate a unique yarn that comes with advanced technology for a healthy foot. Most of the socks for diabetic people are made from synthetic yarns like polyester and nylon, which are able to remove moisture from the socks to keep them dry.

White sole

White-soled socks will alert those with diabetic wounds if it starts draining. Those with compromised sensation may not feel the wound, so white socks will have stains from the open cuts and sores to indicate if immediate action is required.


Anti-microbial technology is used on the best diabetic socks to prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi in the wet feet and to keep them healthy. When you stop the growth of bacteria and fungi, you also stop bad odours on your feet.

How To Tell If You Need Diabetic Socks in Australia

Wondering whether or not it’s worth investing in diabetic socks?

While not every person with diabetes needs diabetic socks, those who are more prone to suffering from foot problems will find the investment well worth it. This is especially the case when you suffer from foot problems that are caused by uncomfortable regular socks. These could be discomforts from seams, constriction due to tightness, and other factors.

Additionally, you should wear diabetic socks if you have noticed that your feet start changing color during the day, they become extremely hot, you begin blistering or growing fungus or experience any other discomforts.

Even if you’re simply suffering from excessive feet, diabetic socks can make a difference and allow for more comfortable feet throughout the day. As a result, you’ll also enjoy fewer infections.

Which Type Of Diabetic Sock Is Right For Me?

Now that you’re considering investing in some diabetic socks for your improved safety and comfort -- you have to decide which type to purchase.

Diabetic socks come in many different types, designs, and prices, and selecting the best one for you may be challenging. To help you make the best decision, here is a list of some features to consider:

Comfort socks

If your feet are constantly uncomfortable with normal socks, comfort socks are the option for you. At Sox by Angus, we stock both men’s comfort socks and women’s comfort socks.

These comfort socks can soothe any pains and discomfort you’re feeling. With a loose top and added cushions, these will help to minimise the effect of circulation being cut off and ensure hours of comfort with minimal swelling.


If you want to get rid of fungus or prevent fungus for your feet, copper-infused socks are the best option for you.

Made with a copper-infused yarn, known as Cupron, these socks possess antifungal properties that kill an athlete’s foot fungus. They also prevent athlete’s foot reinfection with continued wear and offer anti-odor protection.

Circulation socks

Want to promote circulation in your feet? Then circulation socks are the option for you. At Socks by Angus, we offer both circulation socks for men and circulation socks for women.

Made out of bamboo materials, these circulation socks have a loose top and are extremely comfortable -- perfect for diabetics. These don’t leave marks on your feet even after hours of use.


If you’re constantly experiencing moist feet due to excessive sweating, moisture-wicking socks are the option for you.

These socks move the moisture away from the feet and cause sweat to evaporate, reducing the risk of fungus infections and reducing bad odor. A dry foot has safer protection against developing blisters and other foot wounds.

Padded Acrylic Socks

Acrylic socks are good at protecting the feet against blisters because they keep the feet much drier. They are great for people who exercise regularly and vigorously. Acrylic fibers have better abilities in wicking moisture. The extra padding makes them suitable for people with reduced sensation since they reduce foot injuries.

Extra padding

Diabetic socks that have extra padding or gel padding are also useful in moisture-wicking and will protect the feet from injury, reduce sensitivity and irritation, and provide comfort.

Soft yarns

Soft and finer-textured fabric like bamboo and wool often characterizes diabetic socks. They reduce skin abrasion and possess natural anti-microbial properties.

Smart technology Socks

The diabetic socks come with sensors that track the temperature of the feet and alert you through an app, in case of a change, like an ulcer or a sore. Its coin-sized battery is placed near the ankle on the outer side of the socks. They cost around $19.95 per month and last for six months.

Cleaning and Caring For Diabetic Socks

Diabetic socks should be worn as often as possible. They should be changed and washed regularly to prevent fungal or bacterial growth, especially if you suffer from ulcers or blisters.

Additional care instructions:

  • Hand wash them in warm water

  • Do NOT bleach

  • Tumble dry on warm heat to protect their delicate fibre

One common misconception is that washing socks on high heat will kill bacteria quickly. This is not true, but will instead make the fibres lose elasticity and end up destroying your socks.

If you handle the socks delicately, they will last longer. If you must use the washer, put them in an undergarment wash bag first to reduce fabric pulling, before putting them into the washing machine and dryer.

When washing your diabetic socks, consider the type of detergent you use. Some manufacturers of diabetic socks have their own cleaning solutions for the socks, and all you have to do is hand wash them with the solution.

If they do not have these detergents, consider using gentle detergents, especially those which are used on undergarments. These are gentle on sensitive skin and will cause less irritation to the feet.

What Makes Diabetic Socks Different?

Regular socks are the traditional type of socks, which fit loosely and stretch out easily, forming lumps around the heels and under the toes. They are made of cotton material and elastic, which can prevent moisture from escaping and cause impaired circulation.

Diabetic socks tend to conform to the wearer’s feet to fit optimally. They have no elastic or seam and do not form lumps. Most of them are usually manufactured to an accurate size for better fitting. They are made from finer yarns like bamboo, wool, charcoal, and nylon. They also come with extra padding and cushioning to protect the sensitive pressure point areas.

Compression socks are specifically used to exert pressure around the legs to increase the blood pressure necessary to pump blood back to the heart. This prevents swelling and blood clot formation. They are tight and binding, and their prices are high.

Ready To Purchase Your Diabetic Socks?

Sox By Angus will help you get the best diabetic socks at affordable prices. We put into consideration your lifestyle and gender to suggest the most appropriate socks for you.

Check out our online store today or contact us for help if you don’t know which pair is right for you.

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